Farm Drainage

Don't let water damage your valuable assets.

Eliminate the risk of crop damage and profit loss by a properly drained field installed by Linwood Tile Company.

A picture of a drainage work

Boost your end of the season yield

Create a deep a vigorous root growth in both wet and drought years in your fields. With a properly drained field, the water table is lower and more manageable. This way you can take water up closer to the root system or hold it for a later time.

  • Subsurface filed drainage
  • Surface drainage

Increase the value of your land.

Not only will your newly tiled land produce more crops, it will also come with certain tax advantages. The return of investment on your new system will be much cheaper for you in the long run than the alternative of buying more land.

From PVC piping and plumbing fittings to customized drainage tiles, we have everything you will need to solve your flooding and draining issues.

Call us for your tiling needs today.


Picture of a drainage work
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